Monday, December 25, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy Holidays

It is the time of year that is full of surprises. And here's a surprise to you: I am Blogging!!!

One surprise that I am not at all fond of is that all radio stations from Nebraska to Utah have neglected to play either one of my two favorite christmas songs:

I want a Hippopotomus for Christmas
Christmas Shoes
I simply love those songs and I have been down and depressed at the fact that I haven't heard them yet (and it is Dec 18th!!! only one week til the big day arrives). Can you feel my frustration?
On the other hand I have had plenty of surprises that I have been pleased as pie about!!!
How about the surprise that TJ and I planned to come to Utah a week early and show up unexpectedly at his Mom and Dad's house. It was WONDERFUL. Also the surprise that I got to go to YC SHAKESPEARE for their last performance of this semester. I surprised my good old friends and I was so happy to see them. They did so great and there was no laughter on stage. Yet another surprise.
I just can't wait for all the surprises that lie ahead. Surprise! here's a thousand dollars? Surprise! we paid off your mortgage? Surprise! you know what you want to do in your life now? or Surprise! (You fill in the blank)!

Friday, October 13, 2006


I quit my job at the Financial Aid office.

I'm going to be at Roper Elementary school helping with the special needs students.

Some people might not think this is better, but to me it is. I'll be with people, instead of my computer screen. I'll be working with children, whom I love. And I am so excited.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Subsequently, 10 things I LOVE about Lincoln

10. Owning a home
9. The ward I am in
8. The wonderful, friendly, super nice people
7. The Cornfields
5. The Rose Theatre
4. Lower Gas Prices here!!! 2.07 baby
3. Conversations about the church
2. The great friends I've made

10 Things I Miss

10. Smart Cookie Company
9. The Mountains
8. All my friends
7. YC Shakespeare
6. My old job
5. Going to School
4. TJ's and my nieces and nephews
3. Sunday dinners at the Bliss home
2. Running into familiar people on campus ALL THE TIME and stopping to chat
1. A campus that didn't have cigarette smells all over the place

Friday, September 29, 2006

One of my favorite memories

I feel lucky in that while I work I can daydream and remember past experiences, and it doesn't get in the way of work. This is one that I thought about today:

It was the final night of a long three week performance of THE WIZARD OF OZ in High School. I played Glinda and Auntie Em. It was probably one of my favorite roles EVER!!! We had finished tearing the set down, we were in the process of putting away some chairs in our high school auditorium. Bradley and Nathan Stokes were standing next to the chair room where the fire alarm was. They were pulling on the bottom of it saying, "HOW DOES THIS THING WORK?" (silly boys) I didn't really know that they were just playing around and I went right over to them and said, "Like this!" and I pulled it.

I didn't mean to but my fingers really grabbed the alarm and pulled it. Oh the sound was AWFUL and loud. It was nearing 12:30 in the morning on a Sunday and Mrs. Grayson was so worried because she thought the school district would have to cut money from her budget so we could pay the firemen who were bound to come. All in all it was a fiasco.

BUT, I loved every moment of it because of all the things I learned about people. Bradley and Nathan (Newman as we called him) and Chris Bergevin (Or Crispy) went to the piano and found out exactly what note the fire alarm was sounding. And as the pitch changed they'd figure out what the difference was. Then they started to harmonize with the fire alarm.

Dallin Farmer who was our sound and light board operator put in a CD of Billy Joel's "We didn't Start the fire" and he turned it up WAY UP. All those who were sweeping and cleaning started dancing on stage to the tune and the fire alarm.

Skyler was doing handstands and acrobatics like crazy on stage too.

And there I stood, by the alarm, waiting to confess my sin to whoever came to shut it off. I kept rehearsing over and over how my fingers really grabbed the alarm even though they didn't mean to.

Everyone was still dancing and cleaning and partying. It was nearing 2am when our school principal came in in his PAJAMAS!!!! I ran over to him and told him how I didn't mean to do it. He looked at me, yawned and shut it off with his special "turn off fire alarm" key. And he left. NO scolding, no cuts from the theatre budget, just a simple turn of his key.

Every time after that event when Principal Thompson and I passed by each other in the hall he would smile and wave and then his face would turn into an awkward expression as if he were asking himself, "Was that real, or was it a dream? Am I dreaming of this student pulling fire alarms?"

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My heart goes out to you...

Today I rode the bus to work and in the front seat was a girl who was cute and funny and special. Watching her made my morning brighter. She was so excited to share her bright personality with EVERYONE. I thought, if only we had more people like this girl in the world, less-fearless, more friendly. We would all have more things to look forward to and maybe we'd hang up the cellphone once in a while to look around at the beautiful world full of beautiful people.

In regard to UNL Football she said, "The Huskers are" slowly she placed her index finger on her tongue and then lowered it to her gluteus maximus "Ssssss Hot!" And as we neared her stop she snapped a "z" over and over again for all to see.

My day is brighter because of her. I don't know who she is, but she certainly has made an impact on my life.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Another first

Friday night was SCARY!!! okay okay so not really scary, but I was a little frightened. So there we were, loading the rest of our stuff up in the Bishop's truck and it was windy. Brother Gibson looked at me and said with a smile, "I sure love weather like this." I had no clue what he was talking about until...we were getting nearer to our new home and the wind picked up and then there was all sorts of lightening and thunder. As we were moving the last of our belongings into our new little home it started raining so we hurried. Then we were finished. TJ decided to go by himself to get our car so I could start to unpack.

Not even two minutes after he left the sirens went off telling, nay SCREAMING to everyone in Lincoln Nebraska to take cover because a tornado was forming in the area. I had never experienced this before. I had no basement to run to I had only one thing to do: CRY and think that TJ would come home to a tornado-ruined home and no wife. I had no tv to see the news, I had no radio to even listen, and I didn't even have my phone to call someone to ask them what to do. So I just left, left the doors unlocked, left the lights on and ran outside (probably smart and not smart all at the same time). I went to my first neighbor's home and there was no answer so i ran to the next neighbor's home and they were all gathered in their front room looking at the big screen TV at where the tornado was sighted. Luckily, a few miles south of me!!!

So I met some neighbors, I cried, I heard the sirens and moved into my new house all in one day!!!

TJ was in no hurry to get home. He didn't even hear the sirens, and he didn't even think they'd go off by our house.

Friday, September 15, 2006

First time home owner!!! That's who I am!

People stop me on the streets EVERYWHERE here in Lincoln and ask, "Are you a first time home owner, because I certainly thought that you were!!!" And I just smile my simple, humble smile and say, "Why, yes I am." And then I continue on my way to my job (that is sucking the life out of me) and smile, because I have gained a greater satisfaction in life, there's purpose, there's excitement, and there are couches to re-upholster, and walls to paint now that I am a first time home owner.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First Day of Work

Well, it's here! My first day of a "real job." So far it's been full of a dull meeting that I didn't understand a single whosit that they were talking about, and then I did paperwork. And, just barely, someone came to me and told me that I had to take a fifteen minute break. Alas, here I am taking my fifteen minute break. I guess in an hour I'll take a lunch and I'll see how it goes from there.

So, um so much for "Working" I guess.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Biggest apologies.

I've tried uploading pictures onto my blog, but I can't on this computer. So, I apologize. I'll post pictures as soon as I can. For now, just imagine all the fun and great pictures I've taken in Nebraska.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Bienveniedos a la Lincoln, Nebraska


I'll start with our road trip through Colorado to Lincoln. We decided to go through Colorado because we thought it was only six hours or seven. We figured that it would be worth it and then we could stop in Denver for a night. Well, on our way through the Rockies we encountered stop after stop. Our first devastating stop was for about 45 minutes. Where we waited for a truck that was apparently stuck in an overpass to manuver its way out and redirect itself to a route that could handle it's largeness.

After that, and about the time we were getting to Vail we once again slowed down. This was actually really humorous because we came upon a Department of Transportation truck on our right so I rolled down my window turned to TJ and said, "I'll ask these nice men if they know what's going on." I turned my head towards them and saw a he/she with a beanie on. The person was small, but did have some facial features that were an inigma as to the person's gender. So I said to my lovely neighbor, "do you know what's going on?" Whereon the woman replied, "It's called CDOT is as slow as-- and sucks at road construction!!!" She lauged, her partner in the truck laughed, I laughed and rolled up my window. Shocked, and slightly embarrassed I looked at TJ who said, "THAT WAS A GIRL?"

Finally TJ and I arrived in Denver and we found our extended stay hotel, which was probably one of the nicer hotels I have been in. But we didn't get there before crossing Xanadu street and singing all the lovely melodies of that incredible musical.

There is a line from My Antonia that goes something like this, "The only thing very noticeable about Nebraska was that it was still, all day long, Nebraska."

I share those sentiments.

We didn't have any awkward experiences on the road. No stops at all (except for gas). It was just lovely, and corny. And it is our new home state. So far we've really loved it here. The humidity keeps my hair curled, and it keeps our hands moist.

We got a thorough welcome into Lincoln with the annual RIB-FEST!!! Where the best of the best of the best ribs took up an entire street of downtown for four days. There was a free stage of entertainment and enough room for some couples to stand up and show off their fox trots.

We had an incredible experience at church. Upon our arrival the Sunday School instructor was at his car. He looked at us and said, "Bliss, right?" Remembering us from our visit three months earlier. We were all smiles. Then we walked into the lobby where the Elders Quoroum president was waiting with a paper in hand and he asked our names then said, "Bliss?...We've been waiting for you." Then we went into the chapel where one from the bishopric came to us and basically said the same thing, "Bliss...We have been excited to have you come to our ward, you'll love it here, and you'll be needed." These people really know how to make you feel welcomed.

So, then we started looking at possible homes to purchase. And, WE FOUND ONE!!! I will post pictures of it later tonight. It is small, and cute and very nice. It has a HUGE back yard with a great deck. And, we are now just waiting to close on it as soon as possible so we can ease the burden off of TJ's professor (who has been so generous to let us stay in their extra bedroom).

So, we're here. Our adventures have begun. And we are so happy. I couldn't have thought of a better place to spend the next five years.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Sometimes, not often enough
We reflect upon the good things
And those thoughts always center
Around those we love

And I think about those people
Who mean so much to me
And for so many years have made me
So very happy

And I count the times I have forgotten to say
Thank you, and just how much I love them

Felice Mancini

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Good Life

People often ask me if I am excited to move to Nebraska. I have mixed feelings. Sure I am way happy to be moving away. I am excited to experience something new, I am always up for new things. Also I am happy to be with TJ, just the two of us style, where we really have to lean on each other, and it's just the two of us. I am scared, because it is a new thing. I am nervous that things won't work out for our finances, moving company, that we won't find a house.

I think one of the reasons I have been worked up is the fact that I don't know what is in store. Well, I know I will live and breathe and stuff, but I don't know what I will get to do everyday that I am there. Up to this point I have seriously applied to 30 or so jobs and of those I have interviewed over the phone for 2. So this has caused me a great deal of stress. Am I going to be able to work? Will we have enough money? What if I don't get a job.

Well, Leif--my co-worker/supervisor just got a call from UNL (one of my potential employers) for a reference check, and right after they got off the phone with him they gave me a call and asked me to come into the office. I am so happy...and excited...and scared...What if I don't live up to my resume? What if I only worked there for a year and they didn't like the fact that I will abandom them sometime to start a family (no announcements)?

They say that Nebraska is the "home of the good life." I am certainly ready for that.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Going Away Lunch

Well, it's final...We're leaving in one week. Soon we'll be roaming the rolling hills of Nebraska.

To say farewell to all our friends, TJ and I will be at Hickory Kist Deli on 42 W. Center Street in Provo.

This is all going down tomorrow August 2, 2006 and we'll be there around Noonish. We'll be eating great sandwiches and asking for a lot of fudge samples. So come and join us.

Friday, July 21, 2006

19 Days

Time by Goya. She decrepit, aged, weary, brittle, wearing a beautiful ball gown that hides her weak and feeble legs. The other person studies intensely and is studied even more so. The face, the teeth, the sunken eyes, crouching, hiding, afraid? Their faces are expressionless, anticipating what? Then the angel in the back ground is about to swing. Or is he? Is it the angel of death? Is it scary? Not at all, at least not to me. This painting only screams to me to be aware of time, and I think I am.

In only 19 days I will no longer be in Utah. I feel like each day that it comes closer brings me to a new perspective. Yesterday I turned down the offer to be in Old Yeller at the Rose Theatre, today I got called from a potential employer seeking an interview. If I had this job (part-time) then my schedule would have worked out for Old Yeller. Did I make that decision too soon?

I guess I feel like in 19 days my world will be turned upside down. I don't have any clue what our income will be like. I don't know if we'll have storage for our belongings for the two weeks that we will be homeless. I don't know if I will have a job. I want a full time job with all the benefits. I've applied to probably 20 and I've had one interview and maybe a second next week, but the upcoming interview is for a part time job, no benefits, not what I want. Do I interview and just take what I can get?

The other thought that is a constant vigil of my mind is the hope, the dream, the aspiration of owning a home. That is my number one goal right now. And, you wouldn't believe all the advice people have to offer (okay so maybe you would). Most everyone in my husband's family probably thinks that I am too eager because every time I even say one thing about the housing market in Lincoln they jump in with: "You should live there for at least a year to really know where you want to live." Do they know? Do I listen to their advice? Or do I rely on my personal instincts and knowledge?

In nineteen days I will be leaving this Utah status quo to a place I don't know. I am scared, I've heard bad things about Lincoln, NE. I am excited too. I am glad to experience, but I am sad to leave. I get frustrated thinking about money and jobs and experiences because I really don't have any clue as to what is in store. Is there a hole anywhere that I can run to and hide in?

Monday, July 10, 2006

True inspiration for me.

Lean on my ample arm, O thou depressed!
And I will bid the storm Cease in thy breast.
Whate'er thy lot may be On life's complaining sea,
If thou wilt come to me, thou shalt have rest.
Lift up thy tearful eyes, Sad heart, to me;
I am the sacrifice Offered fro thee.
In me thy pain shall cease, In me is thy release,
In me thou shalt have pease Eternally.

"Lean on My Ample Arm" LDS Hymn #120

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

And more

I am having issues with blogger, specificially loading more than six pics at a here is just another post of pics. TJ wishing he was on the cruise ship.

Cruise ship on the road! Cruise ship on the road!

Yes, this is a rooster, but here in Kauai they call these Wild Kauai Fowl.

This place was incredible. It is called Spouting horn. There is a couple of holes in the lava rock, so when waves come crashing in to the shoreline instead of coming up over the rock they come spouting up through this hole.

We went SNORKELING!!! It was probably my favorite part of the whole time. I floated with the fishes and breathed under water. I felt like ariel.

More Pics of Hawai'i

This is at Waimea Canyon. The drive up to the canyon was desert and dry and it looked a lot like UTAH...But at least the humidity told us we were in Hawai'i. This is much like a little Grand Canyon. And it is breathtaking. And so are TJ and I.

On our last jaunt we sat on a pier to watch a cruise ship go sailing out of the bay. And then we realized that there were maybe ten or twenty sea turtles right in front of us. ("It was either ten or twenty I don't know") The Hawaiian name for sea turtles is Honu. They are so cute.

This is a picture of the FORBIDDEN ISLAND, Ni'ihau. Apparently this place was purchased by some European family in the early eighteen hundreds. And they have not done a single thing with it. They say that if you land on the shore of Ni'ihau you will be promptly asked to leave. If you do not leave a gargantuan Hawaiian man will forcibly ask you to leave.

We sat under a tree to read and I looked up to see this. (Sigh)

This was at Queen's Bath as well. Aw!!! Cute.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A trip to the Garden Island KAUAI

Well now I can say that I've been to Hawai'i. I loved it and I didn't want to leave. Here are some pics to show you the beauty of it all...Snorkeling, Surfers, Statues, and other Stuff.

This was the view from our hotel restaurant. PARADISE!!!

Wailua Falls. BEAUTIFUL

Birds of Paradise. I was in paradise.

Kalalau Lookout.

TJ at Queen's Bath and his Superman Towel. He is so cute!

This was a crazy cool statue on our way to Queen's Bath. So Queen's Bath is this place you have to hike down a slippery red dirt trail to get to. But once you are there you are glad you took the trek. Basically the real thing looks like a big bathtub made out of lava rock. Sometimes the waves crash over the bath tub wall bringing in new varieties of fish to snorkel with. I stood on a rock for five minutes while hundreds of fish swarmed around me and between my legs. We found limpids and sea urchins that we forced off of their rocks to look at them. The sea urchins were beautiful and I almost began singing "Part of Your World" because my emotions were high.

Monday, June 19, 2006


TJ and I bought a new 2005 Ford Focus. Some people like them some people don't, and I love mine. It is black and a beauty. Or maybe it is black and a Stallion. It's gender is still to be determined. All I know is it is HOTT! And we got a sweet deal.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

One thing I'll really miss...

Ahhh Young Company Shakespeare. Some of my greatest friendships were formed in these casts. Oh how I will long for the van rides, the awkward conversations, and the silly things we would do.

Fallon: Um can you tell me how to get to Cafe Rio?
(Mrs. Miller playing loudly in the van "Strangerrrr's in the NIIIIGHT exchanging glances Waalking in the NIIIGHT what are the chances? DO BE DO BE DOOO BE DO BE DO BE"
And how can I forget the trick we played on Celeste or the fact that Lehi Utah is the Devil's Snare and we could never pass it without talking about something Taboo. I'll miss giggling through the prayers, Chris when he talked like a girl, all of the stories, and most of all everyone I grew so attached to acting with.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


When I was in the fourth grade I wanted to win Mariah Carey tickets so badly. And every time they'd ask for caller number nine I would dial and dial and dial....always to no avail. But! Last night, close to midnight, when most normal people were sleeping, I HAD MY CHANCE. The smooth sounds of jazz were filling the cabin of my car and I was listening to the sultry voice of KUER's Steve Williams, "Monica Mancini is performing with the Utah Symphony this weekend and in a few minutes we'll be giving away two tickets to one of our late night listeners." Then he rattled off the number and I went to Never Never Land.

"I'll never never win any such thing, but if I did that would make my husband so happy" Says I.

I turned a corner and tuned back into the words coming out of my car speakers. Thinking that I had already missed my opportunity, I put my cell phone down. Then I heard it:

"Caller number three will win, dial this number...bla bla bla."

I grabbed my weapon and comanded it to dial fast, but not too fast (I didn't want number one or two) then...busy signal. Another minute passes with this anticipation. Busy signal, busy signal, busy signal. Finally, I tried one last time--the phone was ringing and I was sure I was caller number four.

"Hello," said Steve (we're on first name terms now).

Collectedly with a tinge of hope I asked, "Am I caller number three?"


I didn't know what to do, scream? Cry? Cuss? I've never had this experience before and the Jazz music in the background created an oxymoronic experience. I felt better than everyone else who was calling in, I was supreme and my phone, my trusty little companion was there for me the entire time.

I know it's not Mariah Carey, and I know I am not going to hear "Butterfly" or "Sweet Fantasy" but it is Monica Mancini, daugther of the composer of "MOON RIVER." If she has uncontrollable vibrato and the ability to whistle when she forgets the words--Mrs. Williams style, then, then I will be completly satisfied hearing the deep and meaningful words "Wider than the Nile, I'll cross you in style someday."

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I remember

One time when i was about five or six, I was staying at my cousins house. My cousins always have some of the craziest ideas. And this night was no exception. It was the beginning of all our adventures.

The mission: we were to run around the house NAKED with only our pillow cases and maybe our panties too. And whoever did it was deemed cool. Of course it was girls only. I waited until my turn and finally I zoomed around the back yard and then rushed around a corner. It was a beautiful moonlit night. Once I got around the corner I decided to take it at a slower pace. And boy cousing Aaron came rushing around the corner. I grabbed my pillowcase and shrinked as low as I could. I could only look at him and hope he didn't see my full monty (although I don't think it's really considered that for little kids) I think our conversation went like this.

Aaron: what are you doing

Me: Um. we're just playing a game and--you can't play with us. Because I am naked.
(I really don't remember what I said, all I remember is being horrified and then walking back around to the back yard and telling all my cousins that I got caught.)

Now that I look back on that adventure I just hope that there weren't any pedophiles around.

Another event that will forever stay in my mind as one of the craziest and funnest nights ever was when I was at my other cousins house. They lived right off of a highway, and their front yard had a few trees lining the edge closest to the highway. We were closer to our teens at this time and our obsession was mooning. So we would run to the freeway and stand there casually talking (all of our pants were unbuttoned and ready to go at any moment) and finally, when a car would come closer we'd drop our drawers and shake our fanny's long and shaky so the cars would definitely notice. This would happen one person at a time and then we would run giggling through the trees and towards the porch. The highlight of this experience wasn't the full moons, but one time when we came running back, my cousin Darci ran through two trees that apparently had a garden hose stretched between them about the height of her shoulders. I have never seen anyone get clotheslined and this was the funniest thing ever. It picked up her entire body, parallel with the ground, and flung her back to mother earth. This combined with the giggling was too much and we called it a night.

And finally, one time Darci, Sheena, and I decided to stay over at grandpa's farm. And we rented a scary movie that was rated R. URBAN LEGENDS. The funny part of this was every scary part where Darci and Sheena would plug their ears close their eyes and sing at the top of their lungs


This made me laugh so much then we all cuddled together and fell asleep.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Fancy Pedicure

I traveled to Tucson last Wednesday to see some MLB Spring Training and of course to get a pedicure. I realize that Tucson is actually one of the ugliest cities that I have ever seen. It really ain't got no alibi. But nevertheless, I did find something I loved there. THE TUCSON SCHOOL OF BEAUTY. I walked in with dirty feet, dirt under my toenails, and calluses, and came out with clean feet and toenails, freshly filed, and painted pink. I felt pretty. More than pretty, I felt pampered and all dolled up. Even though I was wearing a grungy looking shirt with cut off shorts and flip flops.

If you have never felt the joy of sitting on your arse, kicking your feet up to be rubbed, scrubbed, and polished (I couldn't think of another "ubbed" homonym), then you had better make an appointment at the nearest beauty parlor near you. What an incredible experience. I had the incredible taste for the finer things in life. So, accordingly afterwards, I went shopping. OLD NAVY style. What a great trip.

So even though Tucson is ucky, I was lucky and I scored cute pants, and a fancy pedicure.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

All Night Long

Van Gogh's Starry Night over the Rhone

I recently, as of yesterday, pulled an all-nighter. It wasn't too hard, in fact I had to do it. I work at a home with three High-Functioning Disabled men. Somebody has to be there around the clock, so fortunately it was ME on Tuesday. Some people thought I was crazy. Some people were in awe, but seriously it wasn't hard. In fact it reminded me of the 6th grade sleepover my friends had where we tried to stay up all night long. I did really well and stayed up all the way until 4:45am. I should have known, but those girls did the most awful things to the girl who fell asleep first (ie. Shaving Cream, Frozen Bra's, and Moving my sleeping bag behind the couch). So needless to say, I knew I couldn't fall asleep. Somewhere in the depths of my mind, that first sleepover still haunts my mind and I don't want to EVER again put on a frozen bra.

What did I do all night long? Well, let me tell you I had the most fun ever. And I bet everone wished that they stayed up all night after hearing this.

First I watched TV. (Some TV addicts would say this is boring, but to a college student who doesn't have cable, it was fascinating). The GSN (Game Show Network) has "That 70's hour" where they schedule old Game Shows where the men harrass the women like crazy. Design on a dime totally redid a sitting room for UNDER $1,000. It was amazing. And it looked really good. Then, two vuloptuous women wore plunging neck lines to sell a work out video on HSN (which I recently discovered stands for: Home Shopping Network). I mean, seriously, did they really have to show all of that off? Why? Why? why? And, two other women got a new outfit and got to shop with the "hottest celebrity stylists." The catch was that they only got $150. If I wanted a time to shop with celeb stylists, I would definitely NEED more than that. What a rip off. After the joy of flipping through a hundred channels for the first hour and a half, my vocab was rich (GSN, HSN), and my sense of style peaked with fashionable and afordable rooms and outfits to think on.

After TV, I did what most people do to stay awake--Handstands! I am obsessed with Handstands. I love them and I want to be better at doing them. Don't ask, just amuse.

And next, Laundry, dishes, and washing walls. Pretty much the boring stuff. But I did have some eye candy in the DVD player: A River Runs Through It.

The highlight of my night was the awful pain of stubbing my pinky toe when I wobbled around the couch after some handstands. I couldn't shreik like I wanted to, I couldn't cuss, or kick the couch. What fun is stubbing your toe if no one sees you do it? And why even do it if no one can hear you scream in pain? Well it's not fun at all, especially at 3:30 in the morning in a house that isn't yours.

Then after washing the upstairs walls I fell down the stairs. Can I sue for that? I didn't break anything, just my A##, and my back is killing me today? Does that count? C'mon I can barely bend over, I feel like an eighty year old woman.

If you've missed the joy of staying up all night with your friends and giggling, just try to pull an all nighter now, watch tv, clean the house do whatever you want, but if you want me to join you, there is no way in Heck.

Friday, February 10, 2006


It's official, TJ got accepted and now we are going to Nebraska. I have never been there so I looked up all the State Symbols to learn all I could about Nebraska here's what I found:

State Names: It was officially called the "Tree Planter's State" In 1895. It was named that because of all the tree planting Pioneers who needed wind breakers on their land. Also the official Arbor Day was founded by a Nebraska resident in 1872. An honorable name some might think. Unfortunately noone calls it by that name anymore becacuse in 1945 an (obviously boring) government official repealed the name and changed it to "the Cornhusker State" essentially degrading their pioneer contributions to the earths atmosphere. No love for their founders, no love for the earth...


State Tree: THE AMERICAN ELM was named the official state tree in 1937, but for no aparent reason it was also repealed by the Legislature in 1972 because The Cottonwood was the tree that had a heritage. It was the landmark for many of the Pioneers. So Kudo's to the history lovers, but the tree is U-G-L-Y and it leaves all those nasty little cotton particles ALL OVER THE PLACE. Also, shaky government, can't stick with one idea, or one symbol...that creates all sorts of confusion: Hi I am from the state of the American Elm, Oh wait it's the Cottonwood, and next thing you know they'll change it to the corn stalk.


State Fossil: THE MAMMOTH?
Okay that's cool, I can deal with that. Apparently the largest one was found in the good ol' home of Arbor Day.

State Fish: Catfish...They taste good. I'll take mine Blackened!

State Folk Dance: Square dance? All I can say is Who does that anymore? I remember learning it when I was five...but seriously.

Thumbs Down!!!

Oh but lastly I found three others:

They have a state baseball capitol, and a state historic baseball capitol....that's pretty welcoming to baseball fans and i happen to be one.

State Soft drink: KOOL AID What? well okay whatever. I don't really drink it, but that is certainly something from my generation so that gets two kudos.

And state drink: is Milk. I am a soy milk fan, but milk is milk and we couldn't live without it.

So after all my research and skepticism I have decided that Nebraska is ready for me. Next thing you know you'll see me on Good Morning Nebraska (I heard they have a job opening).

Friday, January 27, 2006

Yoga Day 2006

Everyone better take a moment to meditate on Saturday. It's Yoga Day 2006.
I'll do my best to do a sun salutation or two.