Friday, September 19, 2008

Sophie loves sliding!

Our cute little Sophie only gets cuter and cuter day by day. I can't believe she's already one year old. She's learning so much and is growing so much every day. She's discovered the slides at the park and really enjoys them. In fact whenever we see a slide she about goes crazy trying to get out of her stroller or my arms.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I've added buttons!!!

If you frequent my blog you will see some changes in my sidebar: BUTTONS!!! First of all, I added these via html. And, I actually figured out how to get them right where I wanted them. (applause)

Now, secondly. I've added these buttons because these two blogs WILL make a difference in your life if you take the time to read them. The first one is Nie Nie. Basically it is an Arizona Super-mom blogger blogging about her family, home, and activities. Unfortunately, you may have heard that Nie Nie was in a plane crash and is in for months of recovery. She (and her story) is truly inspiring.

And, that is what brings me to my second button: C me read C Jane. This is Nie Nie's sister who is also an incredible woman who has devoted her time, home, and heart to take in three of her sister's children (along with her 3 month old newborn)while Nie is recovering.

I happened upon Nie Nie's blog over two years ago. I got so enthralled with what I was reading that it was more than an hour later that I finally got up from the computer feeling very, very uplifted. You know, the whole "I can take on the world and survive" uplifted. Or, "I, at least, don't have to be a basket case while doing everything I am supposed to do" uplifted. And the "I want to be just like her when I grow up" uplifted.

I hope you can be uplifted too. And one day I really do hope to be like these two women.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sophie's First Birthday!

One year ago today we were tremendously blessed with the birth of our daughter Sophie. She is a true joy. She brings so much light and happiness into our lives. Today we celebrated her arrival. She was overjoyed at times, grumpy at other times, and even had to suffer a bit of diaper rash toward the end of the day, but it was definitely her day!
I have a video to share with you all. We wish that you could have been with us, to surround our Sophie with many friends and family, but we are ever so grateful for technology that allows us to share this milestone with you.
Here's a recap of the day:
Sophie woke up and ate BANANA PANCAKES. Then she opened her first gift (see video).

After that she rode in her new forward facing carseat to drop daddy off to work. Then we came back home to a movie and phone calls from Nana and Papa. Oh, and I forgot to mention that her alligator xylophone (first present)was present on this excursion. She would not let go of it. Later we made cupcakes, took a walk to the park and rode on all the toys, saw the goose, made a new friend; Aiden, and ate tuna noodle casserole for dinner. Yum.
Then our friends/cousins the Yergensens came over for cupcakes and ice cream. It actually took Sophie a minute to realize she was to eat the cupcake. I had to give her a little taste so she could catch on that it wasn't something she wanted to smear all over her high-chair, but rather something she really wanted to eat. Then we started a fire in our firepit, saw it burn for a bit, and headed in for bath time. It really was such a great day for our little Sophie. We love her so much.

I forgot to mention that because of the diaper rash she didn't want to scoot on her bum so she finally tried crawling for the first time. It was pretty comical as she is still getting the hang of it. But she seems to enjoy doing it.

Hope you enjoy this lengthy, but important post.