Today at the grocery store a young girl of 10 came to look at my baby and talk to me about life. She was spry and precocious. Sophie and TJ came to meet Zanib (my friend) and Zanib, seeing that I had two children, shockingly looked at me and said, "How old are you, anyway?"
"25" I answered, my voice thick with disgust and hinting that I OBVIOUSLY DO NOT look even close.
Then this sweet little girl retorted, "No offense but..."
"But what?" I said. (I don't know why I said it, I knew I wasn't going to like what I heard).
"But, you look, (she saw the pleading look in my eyes) well, kind of, older than that."
I literally had no response to that and Zanib saw our brief encounter had abruptly ended. She ran back to her family.
TJ only has laughed up to this point when I've asked him for creams and age defying items. I don't know how much I am joking anymore.