Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Fancy Pedicure

I traveled to Tucson last Wednesday to see some MLB Spring Training and of course to get a pedicure. I realize that Tucson is actually one of the ugliest cities that I have ever seen. It really ain't got no alibi. But nevertheless, I did find something I loved there. THE TUCSON SCHOOL OF BEAUTY. I walked in with dirty feet, dirt under my toenails, and calluses, and came out with clean feet and toenails, freshly filed, and painted pink. I felt pretty. More than pretty, I felt pampered and all dolled up. Even though I was wearing a grungy looking shirt with cut off shorts and flip flops.

If you have never felt the joy of sitting on your arse, kicking your feet up to be rubbed, scrubbed, and polished (I couldn't think of another "ubbed" homonym), then you had better make an appointment at the nearest beauty parlor near you. What an incredible experience. I had the incredible taste for the finer things in life. So, accordingly afterwards, I went shopping. OLD NAVY style. What a great trip.

So even though Tucson is ucky, I was lucky and I scored cute pants, and a fancy pedicure.


topher clark said...

Celeste is a NYMPHO!

Sure glad you painted those toenails, finally. They were getting bad.

Anonymous said...

And Celeste falls for silly phone pranks!

I'm going to admit something that may make me appear less manly to you, but as long as we're on the subject of primping up, I'll tell you. I've gotten a real live facial before; in a SALON! Professional style! Twice!

And, to tell you the truth, I liked it. A pedicure might be a bit much for me, though.

Debra Darling said...

TJ has gotten a pedicure AND a facial before. He was kind of upset when the girls didn't invite him to come with us.