Monday, May 21, 2007

The ill effects of pregnancy: OR a new computer?

In the corner of the second bedroom in 933 Groveland St. lay a useless, preteen computer, Dellamort. It was brought to its useless life in the corner by its arch-nemesis I. MacBook Podder, a young, stalwart, brave, and fully equipped machine. Life on 933 Groveland St. has never been the same after Dellamort was nearly killed by I. MacBook Podder.

Dellamort sat with tears streaming from its keys as sounds of joy and laughter emanated from the front living room, praising the young Podder. "A Free I-Pod nano, and a Free printer?" Shreiked Debra with joy. "Open it up, Open it up." Then came more shouts of joy and laughter as Dellamort lay, collecting dust, never to be touched again with the wand-like hand of its old master.

"It even has a wireless internet connection, now we can use the internet at McDonalds, or wherever else we roam." Said TJ, the proud new owner of the machine-killing machine. "Oh wait, I think we even have a wireless connection here that isn't blocked by a password."

Thus was the beginning of a new age, an era of Internet at home, something Dellamort was never equipped to accomplish for its masters. And the owners couldn't be prouder of their greatest asset, I. MacBook Podder.

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