Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tag! I'm it!

So I've been tagged like a million times so here goes one of them:

Rules: List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions, and 3 random facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end.

Three Joys:

Sophie and TJ
Entertaining-or making people laugh
Aaaaaand visiting UT/ID

Three Fears:

The Dark (seriously, I am afraid of the dark, but not too afraid)
Losing TJ or Sophie
Young Women

3 Goals

Organize my messy places (closets, and cluttered places)
Get more food storage
Finally print off and do something with all my wedding pics (It's been two and a half years, come on already!)

3 Current Obsessions

Updating my kitchen
Wishing I were more "green"

3 Random Facts

I sleep walk (It's getting better though)
My favorite parts of a newspaper are the ads, the classifieds and Sudoku
I haven't been to Wal*Mart in about 6 months!

I tag whoever wants to blog this tag.

1 comment:

Shine said...

I'm SOO glad I'm not the only 24 year old that is afraid of the dark! :) You're too funny! Hope you're doing well!