I'll start with our road trip through Colorado to Lincoln. We decided to go through Colorado because we thought it was only six hours or seven. We figured that it would be worth it and then we could stop in Denver for a night. Well, on our way through the Rockies we encountered stop after stop. Our first devastating stop was for about 45 minutes. Where we waited for a truck that was apparently stuck in an overpass to manuver its way out and redirect itself to a route that could handle it's largeness.
After that, and about the time we were getting to Vail we once again slowed down. This was actually really humorous because we came upon a Department of Transportation truck on our right so I rolled down my window turned to TJ and said, "I'll ask these nice men if they know what's going on." I turned my head towards them and saw a he/she with a beanie on. The person was small, but did have some facial features that were an inigma as to the person's gender. So I said to my lovely neighbor, "do you know what's going on?" Whereon the woman replied, "It's called CDOT is as slow as-- and sucks at road construction!!!" She lauged, her partner in the truck laughed, I laughed and rolled up my window. Shocked, and slightly embarrassed I looked at TJ who said, "THAT WAS A GIRL?"
Finally TJ and I arrived in Denver and we found our extended stay hotel, which was probably one of the nicer hotels I have been in. But we didn't get there before crossing Xanadu street and singing all the lovely melodies of that incredible musical.
There is a line from My Antonia that goes something like this, "The only thing very noticeable about Nebraska was that it was still, all day long, Nebraska."
I share those sentiments.
We didn't have any awkward experiences on the road. No stops at all (except for gas). It was just lovely, and corny. And it is our new home state. So far we've really loved it here. The humidity keeps my hair curled, and it keeps our hands moist.
We got a thorough welcome into Lincoln with the annual RIB-FEST!!! Where the best of the best of the best ribs took up an entire street of downtown for four days. There was a free stage of entertainment and enough room for some couples to stand up and show off their fox trots.
We had an incredible experience at church. Upon our arrival the Sunday School instructor was at his car. He looked at us and said, "Bliss, right?" Remembering us from our visit three months earlier. We were all smiles. Then we walked into the lobby where the Elders Quoroum president was waiting with a paper in hand and he asked our names then said, "Bliss?...We've been waiting for you." Then we went into the chapel where one from the bishopric came to us and basically said the same thing, "Bliss...We have been excited to have you come to our ward, you'll love it here, and you'll be needed." These people really know how to make you feel welcomed.
So, then we started looking at possible homes to purchase. And, WE FOUND ONE!!! I will post pictures of it later tonight. It is small, and cute and very nice. It has a HUGE back yard with a great deck. And, we are now just waiting to close on it as soon as possible so we can ease the burden off of TJ's professor (who has been so generous to let us stay in their extra bedroom).
So, we're here. Our adventures have begun. And we are so happy. I couldn't have thought of a better place to spend the next five years.