Friday, June 15, 2007

The Kansas 5-Mile......HIKE? Wha?

Two weeks ago my stake presidency called me to ask if I would go to girls camp. It was really late notice, but "Sure thing!!!" Says I. Now it has come and gone and my feet are swollen and I am as tired as ever. Do I regret it? NO WAY! In fact I mentioned that they may want to order a baby size shirt for next year when I come with my baby again. (Only the baby will be out of my belly by then and would need a shirt.)

So almost 7 months pregnant and there I was: sleeping on the cold, hard, vicious ground, building campfires, slaving over hot camp stoves, and Hiking. Or rather strolling on some hilly terrain through the woods, and on the roads of Kansas for five miles. I did it! I didn't want to do it. I had every reason to opt out, but I also had a flaming desire to prove it to.....ummm.......whoever would care, that I could do it. AND I DID!

My head is full of camp songs, and I am finally home to do laundry and take off tomorrow for Ft. Lauderdale Florida! Yahoo.


Celeste said...

You're a trooper Deb! Tell me how you feel at 8 months!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you for doing that 7 months pregnant! That's awesome! Congratulations!

The Fifes said...

Go Debra! I'm so excited for you. Being a mom is the coolest thing ever. So much fun! You can check out our blog too: So good to know you're doing well!