Thursday, August 18, 2005

Liquid U's

In the theatre world we believe in something called a liquid U. About a week ago some friends of mine and I were discussing the importance of the pronunciation of a Liquid U. This is a crucial part of speaking such words as Duty. Duty, when pronounced with a little liquid u...sounds GREAT. Pronounced with a strong Liquid u sounds...well, not normal. And finally, when pronounced with no liquid u sounds like "doody" which reminds of poop.

In church on Sunday last, a man was speaking, i hope, of our DUTY, but what came out over the pulpit was a lot about our doody...over and over and over again. In fact the choice sentences that I actually sniggered during was when he said, "when I think of Doody, i think of regimens" and "we've got to have strong Doody" and finally "it is our doody that calls us." So, I simply write this to put a smile on the face of one who reads this and finds it as amusing as I did.


voyageuse said...

In 'Macbeth', Slate talks about 'doody' too. I can't believe Barta hasn't called him on it yet. Every time, I chuckle inwardly.

topher clark said...

We had to sing a song in ward choir with "duty" in it. And I giggled every time.

I agree with saying the liquid U, but for some reason it always makes me feel really, really prissy.