Monday, April 28, 2008

A conversation

Here's a little snippet from my life with TJ.

TJ: Did you say you wanted popcorn?

Deb: I don't want to eat anything else tonight unless it is a vegetable.

TJ: What part of corn isn't a vegetable?

TJ saunters into the kitchen and fiddles around with things while Deb gets the movie ready. Deb hears something happening in the kitchen so she inquires:

Deb: What are you doing?

TJ: Nothing

Deb walks into the kitchen to see TJ plopping cookie dough onto a cookie sheet

Deb: TJ...VEGETABLE...I said Vegetable.

TJ thinks for a moment, points to the cookie dough, and says:

TJ: Vegetable Oil.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, your life with TJ is at least always interesting. And he has a point - corn is a vegetable and there is vegetable oil in cookies. I'm very proud of you for staying so healthy, though! Good job!

Unknown said...


Shine said...

Lol!! That is stinkin' funny! Are the small, passing moments the best?!